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Category: Eye Conditions

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What Diseases Can Be Detected In An Eye Exam?

An optometrist holding a model of the eye to showcase how eye diseases can impact vision and ocular health.

Comprehensive eye exams go beyond assessing your vision; they also evaluate the health of your eyes. These exams can detect not only the onset of ocular diseases, but also general health conditions.   Eye diseases that can be detected during an exam include:  Some general eye conditions that can be detected during an exam include:  Importance […]

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How to Control Myopia & Slow Its Progression

A young boy holding correcting glasses formyopia control

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, affects millions of people worldwide. For someone with myopia, distance objects are blurry. Close-up objects may appear clear, but look any further away than arm’s length (or sometimes closer), and things are out of focus. Not only can this create a challenging learning environment for children, myopia also increases the […]

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