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How Long Does Ortho-K Last?

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A person in a bathrobe stands in front of a mirror, holding a contact lens on one fingertip. They're pulling downward on their cheek to widen their eye and insert the lens.

Ortho-K, or orthokeratology, involves a special kind of contact lens that you wear while you sleep to correct refractive errors during the day. It’s often used to treat myopia, but can also be an effective treatment for hyperopia and astigmatism. One of the main benefits of Ortho-K is that it provides an alternative for people who don’t want to wear glasses or contacts during the day.

Ortho-K lasts between 24 and 72 hours for each night you wear Ortho-K contacts, depending on the patient. This means that after wearing Ortho-K contacts for one night, you can go through your entire day—or for some patients, even several days—without needing to wear glasses or contacts. 

How Does Ortho-K Work?

Ortho-K, or orthokeratology, works by using rigid gas-permeable contact lenses to reshape your cornea while you sleep. Changing the shape of the cornea corrects refractive issues that have negative effects on your eyesight. 

Unlike regular eyeglasses and contact lenses, Ortho-K safely changes the shape of your eye directly, instead of just changing how light focuses into your eye. Because of that, the benefits of Ortho-K lenses last even when you’re not wearing them. In that sense, Ortho-K lenses are like dental retainers, but for your eyes. 

Is Ortho-K An Effective Long-Term Treatment?

Even though wearing Ortho-K lenses for one night only benefits you for 1 to 3 days, Ortho-K is considered a long-term treatment. A 1-to-3-day improvement in your vision is longer than the improvement you’d get from wearing traditional eyeglasses or contact lenses, which only work while you’re wearing them!

Overall, there’s no long-term limit on how long you can use Ortho-K to correct your vision. Provided your eyes stay healthy, you can continue using Ortho-K for years.

How Long Do Ortho-K Lenses Last?

A close-up of a pair of contact lenses in a clear vial, immersed in cleaning solution. A person holds the vial at one end, preparing to open it.

Generally, Ortho-K lenses can last 1–2 years before needing to be replaced. However, it’s important to have your Ortho-K lenses examined regularly, and to replace them if they become worn down. Using worn Ortho-K lenses will reduce the effectiveness of the treatment, and won’t grant the same benefits as properly-shaped lenses.

Is Ortho-K Right For Me?

If you’re looking for an alternative to wearing glasses or contacts every day, Ortho-K might be an appealing option for you. For more information on how Ortho-K can benefit you, contact Tree City Eyecare today!

Written by Dr. Jaimen Dixon O.D.

Dr. Dixon grew up in Boise, Idaho and couldn’t be happier serving the community where he was raised. After graduating Magna Cum Laude from Brigham Young University-Idaho, Dr. Dixon received his Doctorate of Optometry from the Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee. He also graduated Magna Cum Laude from SCO and was honored to receive his graduating class’s Outstanding Clinician Award. Dr. Dixon is a member of Idaho Optometric Physicians, the American Optometric Association, the Scleral Lens Society, and the American Academy of Orthokeratology & Myopia Control.

Dr. Dixon enjoys providing full-scope eye care to all ages, from kids to adults to seniors. He has training in managing ocular diseases, including keratoconus, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, dry eye disease, and others. He has a passion for myopia control and difficult-to-fit contact lenses, and he is proud to be an expert in specialty contact lens fitting, including scleral contact lenses, orthokeratology, rigid gas permeable, and more. Dr. Dixon especially loves helping those who previously thought they were “not a candidate for contact lenses” discover that with the right contact lens design, just about anyone can gain freedom from glasses. Few things bring him as much satisfaction as seeing a custom-designed lens change a patient’s life.

When not bringing new clarity to his patients, Dr. Dixon loves enjoying the outdoors with his beautiful wife, 3 crazy kids, and naughty golden retriever. He especially enjoys building and using bikes to explore Idaho’s thousands of miles of trails and dirt roads. He and his family also love camping, backpacking, climbing, skiing, and exploring Idaho’s many hidden corners.

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